Is your software asset management strategy developed, or is it still in its infancy? When you work with CDW to mature your SAM methodology, you can:
- Increase financial transparency to help accurately forecast your IT budget
- Gain visibility to your current entitlements, allowing you to investigate software you already own before making new purchases
- Drive digital transformation in your organization while reducing financial risk
To help you mature your asset management methodology, CDW offers an ongoing SAM solution backed by a tool to assist with normalizing your entitlements against your deployments. We can also perform a short-term compliance assessment, focused on a single publisher, to discover if your current SAM methodology is working.
Call or email your account team today for more information. New to CDW and don't have an account? Contact us at 866.526.2396 to talk to a SAM expert.
Tech Forecast: Rogue IT on the Rise
Watch the Dreaded Audit and other videos on our SAM video channel.
CDW Customers Save with SAM
Explore Cost-Reducing SAM Solutions from Snow and Ivanti
Snow License Manager
Snow can keep you legal and save you money with Snow License Manager, an advanced and user-friendly software asset management (SAM) solution. Designed to reduce the risk, cost and complexity associated with software assets and licensing, it’s used by thousands of organizations around the world to avoid overspending on software entitlements while maintaining compliance.
Ivanti IT Asset Management Suite
Reclaim unused software, respond faster to audits, track lifecycle processes and optimize hardware and software investments with Ivanti IT Asset Management Suite. It integrates software compliance, license entitlement, discovery, asset lifecycle management and financial management into one interface so that you can view all IT assets from and visualize your ROI.
Your Challenges
- Paying too much for software
- Not sure what software is where
- Hair-raising software audits
- Incomprehensible licensing agreements
- Must meet expectations to achieve more with less
Our Solution
- Audit your existing platforms
- Create virtual SAM teams
- Build, support and enforce SAM policies
- Drive down software costs
- Ensure compliance with licensing obligations
Business Outcome
- Effective management of IT assets from the desktop to the data center
- All stakeholders have complete visibility to all IT assets in a customizable dashboard
- Strong negotiating position during audit
- Reduced software investment through re-harvesting and redistributing unused software
Customer Testimonial
Information gleaned from Snow helped us cut the cost of our Microsoft license agreement... saving us $1.3 million. Snow's Software Recognition Service is invaluable in bringing an everyday contextual understanding to what software is installed.
Senior Technology Business Manager