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Welcome to University of Kentucky's CDW•G eBuy Portal!

CDW•G is honored to earn a preferred-partner relationship with University of Kentucky. Your dedicated team consists of the following:

Account Manager: Scott McMahon 866.719.6930 [Responsible for business & relationship]
Executive Account Manager: Susan Pinchotta 866.339.5201 [Responsible for business & relationship]

Be Green: UK Office of Sustainability and your CDW•G team highly encourage you to look for products that are ENERGY STAR rated and EPEAT Gold!

CDWG now has the ability to fulfill orders for Networking Products. This announcement includes servers, switches, software, and more. CDWG has many of these products in stock in our warehouses, that ship same day! Please reach out to Scott or Amanda for more information, or any questions around these products.


Contact person's photo
Susan Pichotta - IN
Executive Account Manager
Contact person's photo
Scott Mcmahon - OUT
Sr Account Manager