Know your gear
Lighthouse Enterprise provides the redundancy and
resiliency needed for evolving networks through
multi-instance capabilities. Providing presence and
proximity to critical devices, engineers control every
aspect of their network through one central hub.
Every Lighthouse subscription:
•Allows for up to 11 total Lighthouse instances
(primary and 10 secondaries)
•Provides Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI),
for Remote IP access, for each node
•Enables access to MessageBus and all current
or future plug ins (Zapier).
resiliency needed for evolving networks through
multi-instance capabilities. Providing presence and
proximity to critical devices, engineers control every
aspect of their network through one central hub.
Every Lighthouse subscription:
•Allows for up to 11 total Lighthouse instances
(primary and 10 secondaries)
•Provides Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI),
for Remote IP access, for each node
•Enables access to MessageBus and all current
or future plug ins (Zapier).