ESG: Sustaining and Advancing a Successful Business

At CDW, We Make Technology Work So People Can Do Great Things. In all aspects of our business, we strive to Make Amazing Happen, and this extends to our ESG program to empower and support our coworkers, drive progress in environmental sustainability, create positive social impact and live and operate in a more sustainable and ethical world.

Our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) work is guided by the principles of the CDW Way and our values of trust, connection and commitment. We focus our ESG efforts on the topics, challenges and opportunities where CDW is able to sustainably add value for our stakeholders.

Use the links below to read our latest reports and disclosures.


arrow ESG at CDW

Our ESG journey is focused where CDW can make the greatest impact and sustainably add value for our stakeholders.

arrow People

We use our reach, scale and capabilities to create opportunities for people and communities.

arrow Planet

We strive to be sustainable and efficient in our operational practices and seek to positively impact the environmental performance of our value chain.

arrow Partnerships & Portfolio

We help others advance their own ESG efforts by providing products that address environmental and societal needs, and collaborate to amplify the collective impact of the technology sector.

arrow Practices

With every interaction, we strive to inspire trust and confidence in CDW among all our stakeholders.

arrow ESG in Action

Access our library of case studies demonstrating the tangible impact of our ESG program.

arrow ESG Disclosures

Explore our library of ESG resources including our 2023 ESG Report, 2023 Executive Summary,  TCFD and SASB disclosures.


To empower our business and stakeholders to do great things and amplify our sustainable impact.



To connect people, ideas and solutions that drive the long-term success of our business and stakeholders.


In 2023, we conducted a stakeholder materiality assessment to update our ESG priority topics. 

The comprehensive assessment confirmed that the ESG topics we have been focused on in recent years continue to be relevant and material. Several topics  – most notably, Climate Action and ESG Products and Solutions – rose to greater prominence in the updated assessment.

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Our coworkers embrace and advance our One CDW culture every day. Consistent with our purpose and values, we prioritize providing healthy and safe work environments where colleagues can achieve their personal and professional best. We actively listen and engage our coworkers to foster inclusion, wellbeing and growth. Our global social impact strategy empowers our coworkers to support the causes that matter most to them. 

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CDW’s approach to environmental issues is to be sustainable and efficient in our operational practices and seek to positively impact the environmental performance of our value chain. Our environmental policies, procedures and facilities management guide our day-to-day operations. We also collaborate with our partners and customers to help them achieve their environmental goals. 


We believe in the power of partnerships, access and technology to create lasting and transformative impact. Our expertise and commitment to providing tailored, responsible solutions for shared sustainability goals are paramount. We solve challenges and uphold relationships with integrity, humility and transparency, offering a superior experience that solidifies our position as a preferred choice for our customers and partners and other stakeholders.

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We know that integrity, trust and good corporate governance matter to all our stakeholders. By ensuring good governance and ethics and compliance practices, we continue to earn the trust and confidence of our stakeholders, which enables us to sustain our success and create long-term shareholder value.



  • Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee provides oversight of CDW’s ESG strategy, programs and policies.


  • CEO provides executive leadership and direction on priority ESG topics and provides the North Star to CDW and its key stakeholders. 
  • ESG Steering Committee provides leadership oversight of the ESG strategy, giving direction on ESG goals, risks and opportunities, programs, policies and disclosures on priority ESG topics.


  • ESG Global Team enables integration of ESG into CDW’s business by developing and implementing the company’s ESG strategy.
  • Business leaders responsible for being engaged in the ESG process and providing strategic direction for integrating ESG activities that will benefit their business units and their stakeholders.
  • ESG Working Groups consist of cross-functional subject matter experts are responsible for driving ongoing implementation of key ESG initiatives.