October 11, 2023
CDW Executive SummIT: Harnessing the Power of Generative AI to Create Value
Sanjay Sood, vice president and CTO of CDW, shared his thoughts on how to get started introducing AI to your existing technology stack.
Ever since the broad launch of ChatGPT, generative AI has become a dominant buzzword. While many tech leaders are eager to automate some of their processes, many are still unsure where to begin. At the CDW Executive SummIT in Dallas, Sanjay Sood, CDW’s senior vice president and CTO, presented a keynote that included his suggestions on how to add AI to your workflows to quickly leverage it for revenue.
Sara Watson, Founder and Chief Analyst, SMW Insights
Sanjay Sood, Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, CDW
Video Highlights:
- AI is not just a technology project. It’s a transformational business project.
- AI may not always be the best solution for every tech project.
- The adoption of AI might require some education for executives who remain unfamiliar with the technology.