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Do You Have the Data You Need to Ensure Quick Protection?

Research Hub > Do You Have the Data You Need to Ensure Quick Protection?
Next-Generation Work Centers Make Sure You Get the Big Picture

Real-time data and analysis are critical to smart decision-making and quick action. Use this checklist* to make sure your work center has the right technologies to capture, correlate and display the data you need, when you need it.

Key Considerations for Building a Next-Generation Work Center

How efficiently and effectively are we observing routine, sensitive and fast-evolving situations? (Observe)

Are we fully utilizing the technologies we already have in place? Do we need to upgrade or add to them to get a more comprehensive picture? Are there any critical observation points we are overlooking or need to plan for in the future?

How easily and accurately can we extract insights from our data? (Orient)

Are we using all potential data sets to support our decision-making? How accurate and complete is the common operating picture we’re presenting? Can we improve our user interface experience or video display quality?

What steps can we take to improve our decision-making process? (Decide)

In what ways can we enhance our decision-making? What impact will introducing or expanding our technologies have on our existing IT infrastructure? Is our environment robust enough to support escalating demand?

Are we prepared to act fast enough to deliver positive outcomes? (Act)

Recognizing that the faster we make decisions the better, how can we speed the decision-making process? Are we optimizing our collaboration technologies? Are the mobile toolsets in place to support practitioners? Do we need to fine-tune our collaboration strategy or explore additional ways to accelerate our ability to act rapidly?

*This checklist is based on the Observe, Orient, Decide, Act (OODA) Decision Loop, developed by Colonel John Boyd of the United States Air Force.

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Next-generation work centers help you better protect the public. Let us show you how.

Contact your account manager, or give us a call.
