Research Hub > FAQs - CDW eProcurement Services
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FAQs - eProcurement

Have questions on CDW's eProcurement integration process? Please see below for our customers' frequently asked questions and how we can help.

CDW Expert CDW Expert

What is eProcurement (ePro)?

eProcurement is a centralized, integrated system that allows organizations to streamline and automate their purchasing workflows, asset management data, and invoicing processes from trusted suppliers and partners. CDW's investment in our eProcurement technologies provides you long-term value in lowering internal organizational spend and order management costs that would otherwise be managed manually.

Why should I choose CDW for eProcurement?

The experts that make up our CDW integrations team have over 50 years of combined experience switching IT teams to ePro. We have overcome all the hiccups, and we can orchestrate a customized, intuitive user experience for your team. We also have in-house professionals who understand your ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system and can help transfer it over to ePro at no cost to you. This helps ensure a smooth transition across departments. Your ERP provider will also have resources to support your change.

My IT team is very busy. Does CDW also help with eProcurement integrations? If so, how long does eProcurement integration take?

Putting CDW onto your existing ERP system is fast when you work with our expert ePro team. While some ePro companies need up to six weeks for integrations, CDW average 35 days to get you up and running, and many marketplace solutions can be integrated within two days. Additionally, we have three CDW integrations teams with more than 30 dedicated resources to integrated ePro with your existing ERP system. And CDW covers the cost for you. We also serve as an extension of your IT team and can help solve any problems during and after implementation.

If I don’t have already an ERP system in place, how long would take to set that up?

Setting up an ERP solution can take 12 to 18 months. While we can recommend solutions, we will have the most traction with customers who already use an ERP system and are now adding VAR/MFRs.

What makes eProcurement integration with CDW different from other companies?

We’re a partner to our customers. With ePro and CDW, customers receive more than online ordering. They’ll enjoy access to a streamlined procurement process with ongoing support, while you’ll enjoy enhanced revenue and customer stickiness and gain the time to build stronger relationships.

I’m used to ordering through for my purchasing needs. Will ePro disrupt our current buying practice?

The user experience is like buying on, and the solution is customizable across divisions and teams. CDW’s ePro catalog also gives you access to more than 1,400 manufacturers. As you integrate other suppliers outside of IT, you can expand your buying options. Working together, we’ll make sure that you can continue to purchase all your preferred and compliant solutions and tools.

Can I choose who has buying access? I want to make sure only authorized coworkers have access.

ePro increases your control of and visibility into purchases across your enterprise. With ePro, you can decide who has buying access and define your ordering approval process. As a result, you’ll minimize manual error, prevent rogue purchasing and maximize efficiency.

If you’re not ready for an ePro solution, CDW offers a Purchase Authorization System (PAS) that allows you to stay in control of your purchasing and set purchasing limits for your employees based on department, location and more.

Explore CDW’s Purchase Authorization System.

Will ePro limit my team’s ability to purchase what we need?

No, it’s exactly the opposite! We bring all site enhancements to your ePro solution so you can be sure that your catalog is updated, remains compliant and meets your requirements.

My company’s annual capital expenditures budget is $10,000,000. Does it make sense for me to adopt eProcurement?

The customers who see the most value with ePro have a total of at least $10 million in company capital expenditures.

Can I integrate while business and legal approve?

Yes, ePro integration can occur while business and legal considerations are finalized.

What’s the long-term ROI of integrating eProcurement into our buying practices?

By allowing CDW to seek out greater insights into your buying habits, you can more easily identify savings, reduce transaction costs by 75% and see year-over-year ROI. And because you already have an ERP system in place, you’ll see the cost savings! CDW will cover the costs of integrating ePro with your existing ERP system, and electronic purchase orders are significantly cheaper than manual ones.

How will eProcurement with CDW help my future business needs?

ePro can help your future business needs by providing you with greater visibility into spend and improved forecasting. With CDW’s ePro integration, it can scale with your future growth, and CDW will orchestrate the addition of new business- compliant tools and solutions as needed.

Who can I reach out to if I have a problem after eProcurement is installed?

If you happen to run across any issues or have questions, our CDW ePro team is available 7am – 5pm CT Monday through Friday by email at, by phone at 888.419.7347, or by submitting a contact form at

Simplify IT purchasing with custom CDW eProcurement services.