CDW Zero Trust Cybersecurity Solutions


Make secure, adaptable access happen.

The threat landscape is always evolving — your approach to security should, too. CDW's comprehensive services can help begin or enhance your journey toward optimal zero-trust maturity, so that every request for access to critical data and networks is validated.

Benefits of CDW Zero-Trust Solutions

The best zero-trust security architecture requires all users, inside and outside an organization’s network, to be authenticated, authorized and continuously validated for security configuration and posture before being granted access to applications and data. Instead of building a single perimeter around your organization’s entire network, zero trust uses microsegmentation to build a least-privilege network in which every user and system has its own perimeter. Users gain access to resources only after clearing strong authentication hurdles.

CDW can help your organization roadmap, design and implement a zero-trust model fit to your business’ needs. Done correctly, zero trust solutions can help reduce risk, simplify security and maintain compliance to ensure that your organization is prepared to face the latest evolving threats.

CDW Zero Trust Solutions

Reduced Risk

Zero trust can radically simplify security and reduce risk by improving visibility, revealing dependencies, and shifting risky activities to a more efficient and secure environment.

CDW Zero Trust Cybersecurity Solutions Reduce Risk
CDW Zero Trust Cybersecurity Solutions Help Minimize Impact

Minimized Impact

Reduce the negative effects of a cyber incident by isolating, investigating and eradicating attacks before they compromise your network perimeter and cause significant harm.

Optimized Security

Derive full value from your existing security tools. Your zero-trust initiatives can identify gaps and orchestrate deployment so that solutions work in concert as an integrated ecosystem.

CDW Zero Trust Cybersecurity Solutions Optimize Security
CDW Zero Trust Cybersecurity Solutions Increase Efficiency

Increased Efficiency

Zero-trust architecture can help organizations improve the ability of team members to access and use data while boosting productivity of their operations and improving the overall user experience.


Evolving the Zero-Trust Security Model for Business

An effective zero-trust strategy can help your organization better defend against cyberthreats, meet compliance requirements and enhance the user experience. Learn about key concepts behind zero-trust architecture and common challenges many organizations are facing, as our experts break down implementation into practical steps.

Read the latest from our experts.

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Connect with a CDW expert on your challenges or questions about zero trust, and we'll work with you to design a custom solution that meets your exact needs.

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