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2024 CDW Cybersecurity Report

Threats and challenges persist for many organizations, CDW research finds.

What can you learn from the cybersecurity experiences of other IT and security professionals? New research from CDW reveals that organizations across industries face many of the same challenges and rely on the same solutions. Check out what our research uncovered and glean insights from CDW’s top security experts.

IT Professionals are Confident and Prepared, But There’s More To Do as Cybersecurity Complexity Grows


The percentage of IT and security professionals who say they are very or somewhat confident that they have sufficient visibility into their cybersecurity


The percentage of IT and security professionals who say they are very or somewhat prepared for a data breach


The percentage of organizations that operate between 10 and 49 security tools or platforms

Our report puts these numbers in context and offers important takeaways from CDW’s security leaders.
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The more holistic your view of the enterprise as a whole — not only the specific cyber risk itself but also the business impacts that are associated with it — typically, the more successful you're going to be in your cyber resilience aims. From my perspective, cyber risk is business risk.


A Clearer Picture Comes into View

You can learn a lot from your peers. We surveyed more than 950 IT and security professionals from across industries in the U.S. to get a clearer picture of key issues that they face:

•What stresses them out about cybersecurity?
•What tools do they rely on to provide a clear picture of their cybersecurity landscape?
•How mature are their zero-trust initiatives?

Our report explains how, in a security environment that is becoming increasingly complex while organizations face a daunting shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals, they can use training and automation to fill the gaps. Find out what steps our experts recommend to address some of cybersecurity’s most vexing challenges.


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2024 CDW Cybersecurity Report

Threats and challenges persist for many organizations, CDW research finds.

What can you learn from the cybersecurity experiences of other IT and security professionals? New research from CDW reveals that organizations across industries face many of the same challenges and rely on the same solutions. Check out what our research uncovered and glean insights from CDW’s top security experts.

IT Professionals are Confident and Prepared, But There’s More To Do as Cybersecurity Complexity Grows


The percentage of IT and security professionals who say they are very or somewhat confident that they have sufficient visibility into their cybersecurity


The percentage of IT and security professionals who say they are very or somewhat prepared for a data breach


The percentage of organizations that operate between 10 and 49 security tools or platforms

Our report puts these numbers in context and offers important takeaways from CDW’s security leaders.
The more holistic your view of the enterprise as a whole — not only the specific cyber risk itself but also the business impacts that are associated with it — typically, the more successful you're going to be in your cyber resilience aims. From my perspective, cyber risk is business risk.


A Clearer Picture Comes into View

You can learn a lot from your peers. We surveyed more than 950 IT and security professionals from across industries in the U.S. to get a clearer picture of key issues that they face:

•What stresses them out about cybersecurity?
•What tools do they rely on to provide a clear picture of their cybersecurity landscape?
•How mature are their zero-trust initiatives?

Our report explains how, in a security environment that is becoming increasingly complex while organizations face a daunting shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals, they can use training and automation to fill the gaps. Find out what steps our experts recommend to address some of cybersecurity’s most vexing challenges.