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Studio AV/DV Deluxe is the ultimate internal video editing solution. Capture and edit home movies on your PC using any consumer videotape format. The package includes; a professional breakout box for easily attaching analog or digital video sources, Pinnacle Studio PLUS v.9--the advanced version of Studio v.9 that offers more powerful and creative capabilities while retaining the award-winning interface and workflow--and Pinnacle Hollywood FX Plus, which provides hundreds of additional 2D and 3D transitions and video effects.
Pinnacle Studio AV/DV Deluxe version 9 contains Pinnacle Studio Plus, a PC video editing solution, a PCI analog and digital video capture card, and a professional quality video breakout box for easy connection of any type of camcorder. Packed with incredible video editing, restoration and DVD authoring features, Pinnacle Studio AV/DV Deluxe will help make your home movies the best they can be.
Pinnacle Studio AV/DV Deluxe version 9 contains Pinnacle Studio Plus, a PC video editing solution, a PCI analog and digital video capture card, and a professional quality video breakout box for easy connection of any type of camcorder. Packed with incredible video editing, restoration and DVD authoring features, Pinnacle Studio AV/DV Deluxe will help make your home movies the best they can be.
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